Auto Service Kielce | Vehicle mechanics

Battery service

The battery is one of the key elements of every car, responsible for starting the engine and powering electrical systems. A functioning battery guarantees the reliability of the vehicle, especially in difficult weather conditions. At Auto Serwis Raczkowski in Kielce, we offer comprehensive battery service, which allows you to take care of their optimal performance and extend their life.  

Why is it worth servicing your battery regularly?

The battery is exposed to various factors that can affect its condition, such as changing temperatures, intensive use of electrical systems or improper charging. Regular battery servicing allows:

prevent engine starting problems,

detect and eliminate possible charging problems,

extend battery life,

avoid unexpected failures,

ensure proper operation of all electrical systems in the vehicle.

When to get your battery serviced

Symptoms that may indicate battery problems and require a visit to the service center include:

difficulty starting the engine, especially on cold days,

flickering lights or poor performance of electrical systems,

charging light on the dashboard is on,

visible damage, leaks or corrosion on the battery terminals,

the battery requires frequent recharging.

Our range of services

At Auto Serwis Raczkowski we provide comprehensive battery service, including:
testing the battery condition using professional devices,
charge level and performance control,
checking the charging system, including the alternator and voltage regulator,
cleaning the battery poles and terminals from corrosion,
replacing the battery with a new one if necessary,
ecological disposal of used batteries.

Why choose our service

By choosing Auto Serwis Raczkowski, you can be sure that your battery is in the hands of specialists. We have modern diagnostic equipment and many years of experience in servicing various car models. We offer batteries from renowned manufacturers, adapted to the needs of your vehicle, and competitive prices for services. 

How to care for the battery

To keep your battery running for as long as possible, it’s worth remembering a few basic rules:  

– Avoid leaving electrical devices such as lights or radios on when the engine is turned off,  

– check the battery condition regularly, especially before winter,  

– keep the battery terminals clean and free from corrosion,  

– If the vehicle is left unused for a long time, charge the battery before using it again.  

We invite you to Auto Serwis Raczkowski in Kielce


If you have any doubts about the condition of your battery or have noticed problems with its operation, please contact us. Our specialists will carry out detailed diagnostics and advise on the best solutions. We invite you to Auto Serwis Raczkowski - we will take care of your battery and ensure trouble-free driving in all conditions.
